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Gurgle Magazine Loves Our Tea!
We couldn't be more excited to be featured in Gurgle Magazine! Given that they're a baby magazine for modern mums, they're right up our street - our teas are for modern mums too.

Post-natal Depression
This guest blog is from the lovely Emma at Isabella and Us. She went through post-natal depression, and shares her story here.

Our Tea Bags Are Plastic Free
You may have seen in the press that many of the tea brands you find in the supermarket, have plastic in their tea. We're proud to say that our tea bags are 100% plastic free, and are made from biodegradable cornstarch. Pop them in your food bin to help the planet!

What To Eat As A New Mummy (Or Daddy!)
The amazing @mummynutrition has written this post for us, to give the best advice on self care and nutrition in motherhood. Tea is only a part of what you need!

Fertility and Nutrition
Here are 10 top tips on improving your fertility from Laura of The Pregnancy Food Company

Night Owl Tea - A Natural Sleep Aid
Our Night Owl tea blend is blended using herbal ingredients that are all natural muscle relaxants. They are caffeine free and safe for pregnancy and if you're breastfeeding. Learn more about the research showing that chamomile, lavender, valerian root, rooibos and lime flowers can help you sleep.

Raspberry Leaf Tea & Birth Preparation
You may read online that you can drink Raspberry Leaf tea to bring on labour if you're over due. This is unfortunately not proven to be true at all, but there are some research studies that show that if you drink it from 32 weeks on, you can statistically have a shorter second stage of labour, and less interventions during birth.

Who are the HotTea Mamas?
We are Bethan and Kate.
We met at university, and went through some pretty major life changes together. Swapping cocktails for bottles, and handbags for changing bags will definitely bond you together!
Kate had the idea for HotTea Mama, and Bethan had the tea knowledge having been a tea blender for over 12 years. So we have made a range of teas to help women through pregnancy, breastfeeding, motherhood and beyond.