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Can You Start Taking Lactation Supplements While Pregnant?
15 days ago
If you're wondering whether or not to drink breastfeeding tea or hot chocolate before your baby arrives - read this first.

Wait Until 32 Weeks to Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy
15 days ago
Raspberry leaf tea can support women at the end of pregnancy, but why exactly should you wait until 32 weeks of pregnancy before you enjoy it...

HotTea Mama and Lansinoh serving tea in the USA
We wanted to tell you about our partnership with Lansinoh in the USA - as we're SUPER excited

Dates For The End Of Pregnancy
Help prepare the body for labour with dates - perfect with a cup of raspberry leaf tea

Birth Preparation - 5 Natural Things That May Help You in Labour
Feel more in control and empowered at the end of pregnancy, by taking a few natural steps to support preparation for birth.

Why is raspberry leaf tea known as 'the women's herb'?
Wondering why raspberry leaf is known as 'the women's herb'? Here's how it can support periods, pregnancy and perimenopause, as the ultimate uterine tonic.

Which tea should I avoid in Pregnancy?
It is often difficult to know what tea is safe to drink during pregnancy, here is a guide of what you can drink, and what to avoid.

Which tea can I drink in each trimester?
We are often asked which of our teas to drink during each stage of pregnancy.Hopefully the follow...

What causes Morning Sickness?
No one is quite sure what causes morning sickness, but it is believed to be influenced by a number of factors which we outline here for you...

Turning down the volume: the power of a mindful cuppa during pregnancy
From the moment you find out you’re pregnant the to-do list only ever seems to grow. There always...

5 Ways To Naturally Prepare For Labour And Birth
Here are our top 5 ways to prepare for labour and birth naturally, from raspberry leaf to perineal massage

Ask the Expert - How Hypnobirthing altered my whole view of childbirth
This blog post was written by Poppy Child - founder of Pop That Mumma
Hypnobirthing altered my wh...

What is a Birth Comb & who is Midwife Lily?
The Yuula Birth Comb is a must-have tool that works to distract the brain away from the sensations of birth as they build.

Caesarean recovery tips
After you have had a caesarean or abdominal birth, when you get home it is important to give your...

Yoga Benefits During Pregnancy
Yoga can provide numerous benefits when you are pregnant. The gentle movement and breathing techn...

Why I avoid the word ' plan ' when talking about birth
I choose to call them preferences so that there are no unrealistic expectations of
what can or cannot be controlled. The word plan possesses very final and definite
connotations which unfortunately do not go hand in hand with labour and birth.
what can or cannot be controlled. The word plan possesses very final and definite
connotations which unfortunately do not go hand in hand with labour and birth.

International Day of the Midwife
Being a midwife is both the most wonderful and amazing vocation to be part of: but also arguably ...

Cervix Dilation - The 3 stages of labour
There are three stages of labour - latent, active and delivery. During labour a woman's cervix di...

Caesarean Awareness Month
April is Caesarean Awareness month. 1 in 5 babies are born abdominaly in the UK, and the majority...

Hospital bag essentials
Packing a bag for the hospital can feel daunting, and you will worry about forgetting essential i...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy - Facts
Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy weight gain is often spoken about in very negative terms. ...

Final Push Easy Chicken Curry
Easy Chicken Tikka Curry
Spicy food is often suggested as a means of bringing on labour, and many...

Final Stretch Piña Colada Smoothie
Piña Colada Smoothie
You may have read that eating a whole pineapple can start labour due to the ...

How Teas Can Support Your Pregnancy
Herbs and flowers are amazing, find out about their botanical benefits.

Stress awareness during pregnancy and as a new parent
We have teamed up with the brilliant Basking Babies to raise awareness of the key things to watch out for when you’re feeling tense, and to offer some top tips on managing stress during these life-changing times.

What is hypnobirthing all about?
Learn about the principles of hypnobirthing and how it can help you prepare for labour, and have a positive birth experience.

Key Ways Our Tea Can Support You Through Pregnancy
How different herbs and flowers can help support your body through pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

What You Need To Know About Home Birth
Are home births just for Hippies? We wanted to find out, so we asked the wonderful @the_wholesome_mummy to share not only her story, but also the main things that can make a home birth one of the most positive experiences for you.

When To Drink Milk's Up Breastfeeding Tea
Our Milk’s Up breastfeeding tea can be drunk at any stage of motherhood, but there’s a sweet spot that we’d recommend…and it is actually when you’re pregnant!

Which Tea Do I Need In Which Trimester?
If you're wondering which of our teas are best suited to you, you can use this trimester by trimester guide to find your perfect tea match!

Raspberry Leaf Tea - why wait until 32 weeks pregnant?
We don't recommend you start drinking raspberry leaf tea until you're 32 weeks pregnant, and we thought we'd share why!

Tips on preparing for labour from Bumps to Babbas
From hypnobirthing to raspberry lef tea, this blog spells out what you can do to prepare for labour and a positive birth.

Post-natal Depression
This guest blog is from the lovely Emma at Isabella and Us. She went through post-natal depression, and shares her story here.

Raspberry Leaf Tea & Birth Preparation
You may read online that you can drink Raspberry Leaf tea to bring on labour if you're over due. This is unfortunately not proven to be true at all, but there are some research studies that show that if you drink it from 32 weeks on, you can statistically have a shorter second stage of labour, and less interventions during birth.