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HotTea Mama and Lansinoh serving tea in the USA
We wanted to tell you about our partnership with Lansinoh in the USA - as we're SUPER excited

How many cups of tea can I drink when....?
A question that we often get asked is 'How many cups of tea can I drink when...' here is our guid...

Which tea should I avoid in Pregnancy?
It is often difficult to know what tea is safe to drink during pregnancy, here is a guide of what you can drink, and what to avoid.

Which tea can I drink in each trimester?
We are often asked which of our teas to drink during each stage of pregnancy.Hopefully the follow...

What causes Morning Sickness?
No one is quite sure what causes morning sickness, but it is believed to be influenced by a number of factors which we outline here for you...

Herbs To Help Heartburn
Certain herbs have traditionally been used to naturally help heartburn. From liquorice root to peppermint, chamomile to ginger root. Depending on your taste and your teapot, there's a tea to help.

Morning Rescue Gingerbread
This Jane's Patisserie recipe for gingerbread is quick, simple and delicious.Â
These gingerbread...

6 Tips for Dealing With Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
Morning sickness is common in pregnancy. Approximately 80% of women experience nausea and vomitin...

Morning Sickness Relief - Cloudy Lemonade
This iced tea recipe requires only 3 simple ingredients, for a soothing, recovery drink if you're suffering from morning sickness. Or also if you just want a low sugar lemonade!

Lemongrass in Pregnancy - Is It Safe?
Shedding light on why lemongrass is safe for pregnancy, sharing the most recent research and NHS guidance.

Which Tea Do I Need In Which Trimester?
If you're wondering which of our teas are best suited to you, you can use this trimester by trimester guide to find your perfect tea match!

Helping Morning Sickness Symptoms - Morning Rescue Tea
How can a tea help morning sickness? It can't gaurantee to, but there are many natural, caffeine free herbs that can ease nausea. We have packed these in to our Morning Rescue tea blend.

Award Winning Morning Rescue Tea
Our Morning Rescue Tea won a bronze award for best morning sickness product in the Bizzie Baby Awards. And here's why it can help nausea in pregnancy...