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HotTea Mama Hot Chocolates
Discover HotTea Mama's new range of hot chocolates with ashwagandha and brewers yeast

The Benefits of Ashwagandha for Women's Wellness
9 benefits that ashwagandha has for women's wellness

Tea focus - Night Owl
Night Owl is one of the original 6 blends that Bethan designed when HotTea Mama was launched.

Three teas to support you postpartum
Support postpartum with the right cup of tea - to support breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and the need for self-care.

Beat the caffeine crash
A caffeine crash feels awful at any time of the day. It occurs when the stimulating effects of ca...

How many cups of tea can I drink when....?
A question that we often get asked is 'How many cups of tea can I drink when...' here is our guid...

Tea to support Men's Health
How green tea, hibiscus, chamomile and valerian root can support Men's health and wellness.

Which tea can I drink in each trimester?
We are often asked which of our teas to drink during each stage of pregnancy.Hopefully the follow...

Ask The Expert - How to feel more rested (even if your little ones aren’t sleeping!)
Small habits and daily rituals that help to improve sleep

Is Chamomile Tea Safe To Drink In Pregnancy?
Chamomile tea is generally considered safe to drink during pregnancy - in moderation.
Variety i...

10 Top Tips for Transforming Toddler & Child Bedtime Battles
Top tips on how to transform your child's bedtime from a trained sleep expert.

How Tea Can Support New Mums And Breastfeeding
Botanicals can be a great support when breastfeeding and dealing with sleep deprivation in the fourth trimester. Find out more about the ingredients in our teas and how they can help new mums.

Clocks going forward - how to support little ones
Expert advice on how to deal with the clock change when you have children.

My experience with sleep deprivation and sleep anxiety
Our guest blog has been written by the wonderful Lydia founder of Sleep & Bounds, who set up her infant sleep coach business after she suffered from sleep deprivation for nearly two years. The lack of sleep affected her mood and migraines.

How Tea Can Support Sleep And Relaxation
Learn more about the ingredients in our Night Owl tea, and how it can support sleep and relaxation.

Key Ways Our Tea Can Support You Through Pregnancy
How different herbs and flowers can help support your body through pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

How herbal teas can reduce stress
Learn more about the herbs and flowers that can support reducing and easing stress.

How to prepare you and your baby for the clock change
Learn how to best prepare your baby for the clock change with Nina, from sleep consultancy Goodnight Sleep Coaching.

Top Tips for Sleep Success
Top tips on how to improve your child's sleep from Karen Miller, certified sleep coach.

Which Tea Do I Need In Which Trimester?
If you're wondering which of our teas are best suited to you, you can use this trimester by trimester guide to find your perfect tea match!

5 Ways To Help Your Newborn Sleep!
Cara, founder of the Sleep Method, shares her expert advice on how to help your newborn sleep. Priceless advice!

Night Owl Tea - A Natural Sleep Aid
Our Night Owl tea blend is blended using herbal ingredients that are all natural muscle relaxants. They are caffeine free and safe for pregnancy and if you're breastfeeding. Learn more about the research showing that chamomile, lavender, valerian root, rooibos and lime flowers can help you sleep.