Labour Comb And Raspberry Leaf Tea Set
Prepare for labour with the ultimate natural supports - our Final Push raspberry leaf tea and Yuula's labour comb.
A labour comb is the perfect addition to your birth bag, as a way to naturally cope with the waves of contractions. Distracting your brain by creating pressure on an acupuncture point in your hand, this clever piece of kit can be a small but mighty part of your birth preparation kit and is made from splinter free, peach wood.
- Raspberry leaf tea has been used for thousands of years to prepare the body for labour. Containing fragerine, that strengthens the uterine muscles, it is linked in studies to reducing the second stage of labour and interventions in birth. We blend ours with peppermint to make it a delicious way to naturally prepare yourself.
Completely caffeine free - suitable for low caffeine diets including pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause
- 100% organic natural ingredients and materials
- 100% plastic free, and biodegradable packaging
- Each bag makes 2 cups of tea - leave the bag in if you like a stronger brew
- Multi-award winning: Morning Rescue won the 2019 UK Baby Awards, Best Maternity Product , and the 2017 Bizzie Baby Awards, Bronze Award.
Each pack contains 14 biodegradable pyramid tea bags, enough for 28 cups or more
FREE UK SHIPPING - comb will be shipped direct from Yuula, and HotTea Mama will send the tea separately. So keep an eye out for 2 packages!
Choose from 1 pack, or 4 packs for 10% off & free delivery, or 8 packs for 25% off and free delivery.

From the experts
"The comb is great for reducing anxiety and tension, whilst increasing the feel of control and empowerment. Just what every birthing person needs"
Midwife Lily
Yuula Founder
Read more about the benefits
Additional Info
Prepare to meet your baby from 32 weeks with The Final Push raspberry leaf tea & Yuula Labour Comb.
Raspberry leaf tea has traditionally been used to help ease your baby's entrance into the world. It has been linked to shorter and more straightforward births in research. As well as potentially helping recovery too.It's believed to help due to the fragarine that is found in raspberry leaves and the positive effect it has on uterine strength.
We've blended red raspberry leaves with whole peppermint to create a sweet, refreshing and comforting cuppa. It can not only help prepare for labour but also help aid digestion.
This tea is designed to be drunk from the third trimester. We recommend drinking 1 cup per day from 32 - 33 weeks, and providing you don't have braxton hicks as a result, increase this to 2 cups per day from 33 - 34 weeks. Then drink up to 3 cups a day from 34 weeks until your baby arrives.
Also includes an EXCLUSIVE guided Yuula comb relaxation to enhance the potential of what you can achieve with the Yuula birth comb.
Featuring: how to use the comb, guided relaxation, breathing technique and affirmations for birth. All directly to your inbox with every sale of the Yuula X Pop That Mumma Birth
Refreshingly minty and herbaceous.
Raspberry leaf does not taste like raspberries! It has a flavour akin to green tea, with subtle vegetal notes and a slight bitterness.
Whole leaf peppermint is sweeter and with a more intense mint flavour compared to a traditional tea bag.
In combination, they have a sweet and herby taste, with a thick mouthfeel.
We don’t recommend adding milk or sugar, but follow your cravings and personal taste!
Will Raspberry leaf make my baby come early? The short answer is no. There's no real evidence to show that drinking raspberry leaf when you're overdue will kick things off. Instead, the evidence shows that it can lead to a shorter second stage and fewer interventions when you're delivering your baby. This is why we recommend drinking it as part of your birth preparation from 32 weeks.
When should I start drinking this tea? You can start drinking raspberry leaf tea at 32 weeks. We recommend having 1 cup a day from 32 weeks, 2 cups from 33 weeks, and a maximum of 3 cups from 33 weeks until your baby arrives.
How much Raspberry Leaf is in this tea?It is 40% raspberry leaf and 60% peppermint. This is to give a natural sweetness to balance the flavour, and the peppermint can also help heartburn, which is a major issue for many women at the end of pregnancy. Also, the raspberry leaf we use is whole leaf, so you can get more of it's benefits compared to dust, which is found in a normal tea bag, this can lose its goodness to the air quickly after production.
Are there any occasions when you should not drink Raspberry Leaf Tea? If you're pregnant, there are a few occasions not to drink raspberry leaf. We recommend talking to your midwife or healthcare provider for specific guidance if you have any concerns.
What is a labour comb?
Yuula's Labour Comb is a fantastic tool to help take control of fear of pain during labour. It can distract the brain away from the waves of birth as they build, by focusing it on the acupressure point in the palm of your hand. In traditional Chinese practice, this is a minor chakra called the Lao Gong (Pericardium 8) or ‘Palace of Labour’. Simply clutch the comb in your hand tightly to activate pressure points and redirect the energy of contractions and release in between. You’ll feel in control, powerful and empowered. Made from splinter-free, sustainable peach wood, complete with travel pouch and accompanying instructions and information.
- Hot Brew
- Iced Tea
Each of our packs has simple instructions on it, but essentially you should use 1 tea bag per person, and freshly boiled water for all except Head Start. This tea works best with 80-degree water (let your kettle sit for 5 minutes with the lid open after boiling). Brew for 3-5 minutes depending on how strong you like it.
Use 1 bag per 300ml of water (this is the average size of a water glass) Add freshly boiled water, as if you were making a normal cuppa. Place the glass, with the tea bag still in, in your fridge to cool. Enjoy once cool - add lots of ice and fruit if you're feeling fancy.