The Benefits of Tea vs. Coffee In Pregnancy

When you're pregnant, it can be hard to reduce your caffeine intake and balance the pros and cons of coffee vs. tea.
So we've tried to summarise your options here:
- Will meet your caffeine need with c. 120mg per cup if you use filter, instant coffee is lower in caffeine with c. 90mg per cup. You can only have 1 cup per day within pregnancy limits of 200mg per day.
- Naturally high in antioxidants
- Can cause heart palpitations and jitters after drinking
- If you buy a coffee in a coffee shop, it can be much higher in caffeine that one that you make at home. For example, a medium cappuccino in Costa has c. 325mg of caffeine!
- Whilst coffee does hydrate you, it will do so less than water, herbal tea and even less than black tea. This is because of the high level of caffeine that is in the coffee beans, so you have to drink more to get as much hydration.
- Variety of flavour, without having to add sweetener or flavourings. You won't get bored of one taste, and can select both flavour and benefit when drinking.
- Herbal teas are as hydrating as water.
- Lower level of caffeine: a black tea has c. 40mg of caffeine per cup, so you can have 4-5 cups within your 200mg per day limit. If you like green tea, this has c. 20mg of caffeine per cup, so you can enjoy even more!
- White tea for a slow release of caffeine - as an alternative to a coffee, you can consider drinking Head Start which is a white tea with c. 90mg of caffeine per cup, plus it's extremely high in L-theanine which is a relaxant and gives the caffeine a slow release effect. So you get a long, gentle boost which will last longer than a coffee, and with no heart palpitations of jitters afterwards.
- Health benefits: each different tea has different benefits for you - from the first trimester to the fourth, you can pick a tea to support your body in the unique way it needs.
- Caffeinated tea is not as hydrating as water or herbal/fruit teas - green, black and white tea will hydrate you slightly less but are still more hydrating than coffee.
So pick your drink of choice and enjoy!