White Tea & Anti-oxidants

Throughout your pregnancy, you may have held back on drinking too much caffeine due to NHS guidance. When you can finally indulge in caffeine, it’s often desperately needed after long nights of feeding and broken sleep. However, rather than end up buzzing from too much black tea, we’ve picked an incredible white peony white tea as the base of our Newborn Wonder Blend.
White tea is jam packed with high levels of the catechin and anti-oxidant EGCG which has been shown to have many incredible benefits for your health in both lab tests and human, clinical trials – a great summary is described here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2903211/. It has been shown to help fight cancer cells, protect skin from UV rays and aid weight loss…what isn’t to love?!
Whilst green tea has had all the buzz around this catechin, white tea contains similar levels and has the benefit of generally being slightly higher in caffeine than green tea, able to give you a slow release uplift of both anti-oxidants and caffeine.
The rose petals in the blend lift the blend to be more floral and delicate – just what you need to clear your mind and lift you up, whether you are lucky enough to be enjoying a cup of tea while your baby peacefully sleeps, or cries…it is just what you need to refresh your mind and contribute to a healthy diet.