Yuula Labour Comb
Prepare for labour with the ultimate natural support of Yuula's labour comb.
- A labour comb is the perfect addition to your birth bag, as a way to naturally cope with the waves of contractions.
- Distracting your brain by creating pressure on an acupuncture point in your hand, this clever piece of kit can be a small but mighty part of your birth preparation kit and is made from splinter free, peach wood.

From the expert
"The comb is great for reducing anxiety and tension, whilst increasing the feel of control and empowerment. Just what every birthing person needs"
Midwife Lily
Founder of Yuula
Read more about the benefits
Additional Info
Includes an EXCLUSIVE guided Yuula comb relaxation to enhance the potential of what you can achieve with the Yuula birth comb.
Featuring: how to use the comb, guided relaxation, breathing technique and affirmations for birth. All directly to your inbox with every sale of the Yuula X Pop That Mumma Birth
What is a labour comb?
Yuula's Labour Comb is a fantastic tool to help take control of fear of pain during labour. It can distract the brain away from the waves of birth as they build, by focusing it on the acupressure point in the palm of your hand. In traditional Chinese practice, this is a minor chakra called the Lao Gong (Pericardium 8) or ‘Palace of Labour’. Simply clutch the comb in your hand tightly to activate pressure points and redirect the energy of contractions and release in between. You’ll feel in control, powerful and empowered. Made from splinter-free, sustainable peach wood, complete with travel pouch and accompanying instructions and information.